Work on “The Prince of Magalia” is coming along very well. We have selected costumes for all of the students and teachers to wear in the play. Hopefully we will be able to start recording the play on Saturday, May 28th, 2011! Let’s hope for nice weather and that everything goes smoothly!
On Friday, April 8, the students went on a another field trip! They traveled to Almeria to tour the Archeology Museum, where they learned about Los Millares and saw ancient artifacts, including some from nearby Villaricos! After the museum they went to Los Millares, where they took a short walk and toured some model houses that were made from clay.
To read about Los Millares, please click the following link:
Ancient Artifacts
The students have gone on three field trips so far this year. The first was to visit the Alcazaba and a photography museum in Almería. The second was to the base of La Legión. While there they learned about maps, watched a short video about the history of La Legión, visited a museum and had the opportunity to sit in different military vehicles. The miltary band also played for the students. The third trip was to Almería in order to see a series of short plays put on by different high schools.
Furthermore, the students are rehearsing for a play of their own. It is called “The Prince of Magalia” and is about a young prince, Alejandro, who is very bored with his life. He wants to study music but his father won’t let him. One day, Alejandro falls asleep and can’t be woken up. A fortune teller comes to the castle and tells the king that the only way to wake Alejandro is to have a music competition!

Students at La Legión
The students of the bilingual program have been very busy these last few weeks. Over the last few weeks the students have been working on science projects for their Natural Sciences class. Each project has three parts: a small report explaining the topic and project, an experiment/model and an oral presentation.
Group 1: Acid Rain
The group built a model showing the different effects of acid rain on a house, animals and land.
Group 2: Oil spills
The group used a plastic bucket, sand, water, oil, vinegar and a toy boat to show the effects an oil spill has on water, animals and boats.
Group 3: The Greenhouse Effect
This group built a small greenhouse out of wire, plastic and a wooden base. They placed a piece of chocolate on the inside and put a lamp over the plastic. They also held a lamp over a piece of chocolate outside of the greenhouse. This was done in order to show how the greenhouse heats up faster and the increased heat causes more effects on the environment.
Group 4:
The Ozone Layer
Group members built a small model of an Earth and wrapped it in a plastic bag. They then cut a hole in the bag. They shone a flashlight on different parts of the bag, which symbolized the ozone layer, to show how it protects the Earth from the rays of the sun. Group members then shone the flashlight through the hole, showing how the rays reach the Earth through the hole in the ozone.
Group 5: Recycling
These students focused on compost, which is recycling leftover fruit and vegetable matter. They created compost and used it to feed a plant. They compared this plant to another, identical plant to measure any differences between them.
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